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Admin-san: A Powerful Admin Panel Finder

Admin-san: A Powerful Admin Panel Finder

Written by: TheFuzzyRabbit [@rabbit_fuzzy]

Admin-san is an open-source, asynchronous admin panel finder created with Python 3. It is renowned for its speed and efficiency in locating admin login pages and other URLs associated with administrative panels. If you're a security researcher, penetration tester, or developer looking for a tool to quickly discover admin panels, Admin-san might be just what you need.


  • Asynchronous Scanning: Admin-san utilizes asynchronous programming to perform rapid scans and find admin panels quickly.
  • Open Source: The tool is open source, allowing users to review, modify, and contribute to its development.
  • Fast and Efficient: Built with Python 3, Admin-san is one of the fastest admin panel finders available.
  • Customizable: Users can extend and customize the tool to fit their specific needs and use cases.


Before you can install and use Admin-san, you need to ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Python 3.x: Admin-san is designed to work with Python 3. Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
  • pip3: The package installer for Python 3, which is required to install the tool's dependencies.
  • git: A version control system used to clone the Admin-san repository.

Python 3 Prerequisites

Admin-san also depends on a couple of Python libraries. Ensure that you have the following Python libraries installed:

  • aiohttp: A library used for asynchronous HTTP requests.
  • asyncio: A library used for writing concurrent code using the async/await syntax.


Follow these steps to install and run Admin-san on an Ubuntu/Debian system:

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Start by installing the necessary dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get --force-yes -y install git python3 python3-pip

Step 2: Clone the Repository

Next, clone the Admin-san repository from GitHub:

$ git clone

Step 3: Navigate to the Admin-san Directory

Change to the Admin-san directory:

$ cd admin-san

Step 4: Install Python Dependencies

Install the required Python libraries specified in the requirements.txt file:

$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 5: Run Admin-san

Finally, run Admin-san with the following command:

$ python3

Using Admin-san

Once Admin-san is up and running, you can start using it to find admin login pages and other URLs associated with administrative panels. The tool allows you to quickly scan a list of URLs and identify potential admin panel locations.


Admin-san is a powerful and efficient tool for finding admin panels and login pages on websites. Its asynchronous design ensures fast scanning, making it a valuable asset for security professionals and developers. By following the installation instructions above, you can get Admin-san up and running quickly and start uncovering hidden administrative interfaces.

Remember to use Admin-san ethically and responsibly. Always obtain permission before scanning any website, and use this tool to help improve web security rather than for malicious purposes.

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