Rang3r: Multi-Thread IP and Port Scanner

rang3r is a Python 2.7 script designed to scan multiple threads, finding all alive hosts within a specified range. It includes a port scanner that targets the most vulnerable ports. The tool is optimized for speed and efficiency.

GatheTOOL: Information Gathering Tool

GatheTOOL is an information-gathering tool that utilizes the hackertarget.com API for various reconnaissance tasks.

Devploit: Information Gathering Tool

Devploit is a simple Python script designed for information gathering. This tool, authored by Joker-Security [dev-labs], offers a range of functionalities to aid in the collection and analysis of various data points related to network and web security.

GoldenEye - HTTP DoS Test Tool

GoldenEye is a Python 3 application designed for security testing purposes only. It is an HTTP Denial of Service (DoS) test tool.

slowloris.py - Simple Slowloris in Python

Slowloris is an HTTP Denial of Service (DoS) attack that affects threaded servers. It works by opening many HTTP connections to the target server and sending partial requests periodically to keep the connections open. This prevents the server from handling legitimate connections, effectively causing a DoS.

AUXILE Framework: Website Security Tool

The AUXILE Framework is a powerful tool designed to enhance the security of your website by identifying potential vulnerabilities. This versatile framework can be used to search for admin panels, upload panels, and perform SQL injection attacks using dorks. It also offers functionalities for information gathering and more.

Websploit: An advanced MiTM Framework

Websploit is a powerful and versatile framework designed for conducting Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks. This high-level framework offers a range of modules and features that facilitate various penetration testing activities. Websploit is especially useful for security researchers, and ethical hackers.

RouterSploit: Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices

The RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework dedicated to embedded devices. It consists of various modules that aid penetration testing operations.

Wifite: Automated Wireless Attack Tool

Wifite was designed for use with pentesting distributions of Linux, such as Kali Linux, Pentoo, BackBox; any Linux distributions with wireless drivers patched for injection. The script appears to also operate with Ubuntu 11/10, Debian 6, and Fedora 16.

DDos-Attack: Understanding and Using the Tool

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. These attacks target a wide variety of important resources, from banks to news websites, and present a major challenge to ensuring that people can publish and access important information.