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WEBFUSE V.1: Best Information Gathering Tool for Website Enumeration in 2022

WEBFUSE V.1: A Powerful Web Enumeration Tool for Information Gathering

Are you looking for an efficient tool to gather information about websites and perform web enumeration? Look no further than WEBFUSE V.1! This powerful open-source tool is designed to help security researchers, penetration testers, and web developers uncover hidden directories, files, and potential vulnerabilities in web applications.


WEBFUSE V.1 is intended for ethical use only. Always ensure you have proper authorization before scanning or testing any website. The authors and contributors of WEBFUSE V.1 are not responsible for any misuse or illegal activities conducted with this tool.

Key Features

  • URL Fuzzing: WEBFUSE can fuzz URLs using a predefined or custom wordlist, helping you discover hidden directories and files.
  • CMS Detection: The tool supports scanning popular Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.
  • Concurrent Scanning: WEBFUSE utilizes concurrent workers to speed up the enumeration process.
  • Customizable Wordlists: You can use your own wordlists for more targeted scanning.
  • Reporting: The tool generates reports of valid paths found during the scan.


First, clone the repository and navigate to the tool's directory:

git clone
cd WebFuse

Next, install the required dependencies:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


The basic syntax for using WEBFUSE is:

python [options]

Available options:

  • -h, --help: Display the help message and exit
  • -q, --quiet: Enable silent mode (only reports results)
  • -u URL, --url=URL: Specify the target URL
  • -c CMS, --cms=CMS: Scan a specific CMS (wp for WordPress, dp for Drupal)
  • -w WORDLIST, --wordlist=WORDLIST: Use a custom wordlist

Example commands:

Basic URL Fuzzing:
python -u

CMS-Specific Scanning:
python -u --cms wp

Custom Wordlist Scanning:
python -u -w webdb/discovery/predictable-filepaths/php/PHP.txt


URL Fuzzing: The tool takes the target URL and appends various directory and file names from the wordlist, checking for their existence on the server.

CMS Detection: When scanning for specific CMS platforms, WEBFUSE uses predefined patterns and common files associated with each CMS to identify the platform and potential vulnerabilities.

Concurrent Scanning: WEBFUSE employs multiple workers to send requests simultaneously, significantly reducing the time required for large-scale scans.

Reporting: As the tool discovers valid paths, it records them and can generate a report of all findings at the end of the scan.

Best Practices

  • Always obtain permission before scanning any website you don't own.
  • Start with smaller wordlists and gradually increase the scope to avoid overwhelming the target server.
  • Use the quiet mode (-q) for less verbose output when running large scans.
  • Regularly update WEBFUSE to ensure you have the latest features and security patches.

WEBFUSE V.1 is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any web security professional or developer. By helping to uncover hidden directories, files, and potential vulnerabilities, it plays a crucial role in strengthening web application security.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Always use WEBFUSE ethically and legally, and happy scanning!

Note: WEBFUSE V.1 is released under the MIT License, allowing for free use, modification, and distribution, subject to the license terms.

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