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WeebDNS: A Fast and Efficient DNS Enumeration Tool

WeebDNS: A Fast and Efficient DNS Enumeration Tool

Written by: FuzzyRabbit - Twitter: @rabbit_fuzzy, GitHub: @FuzzyRabbit

WeebDNS is an 'Asynchronous' DNS Enumeration Tool designed to make DNS enumeration much faster and more efficient. Built with Python 3, WeebDNS leverages asynchronous programming to speed up the process of gathering DNS information. Whether you're a security researcher, penetration tester, or just someone interested in DNS enumeration, WeebDNS is a powerful tool worth considering.


WeebDNS is intended for testing purposes only. Ensure you have strict consent before using this tool. Do not use WeebDNS for illegal activities. The authors and contributors of WeebDNS are not responsible for any misuse or illegal activities conducted with this tool.

Please read the LICENSE for the licensing details of WeebDNS.


  • Asynchronous Scanning: Utilizes asynchronous programming to perform fast and efficient DNS enumeration.
  • Open Source: The tool is open source, allowing users to review, modify, and contribute to its development.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Designed to be much faster than traditional DNS enumeration tools.


Before you can install and use WeebDNS, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Python 3.x: WeebDNS is designed to work with Python 3. Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
  • pip3: The package installer for Python 3, required to install the tool's dependencies.
  • git: A version control system used to clone the WeebDNS repository.

Python 3 Prerequisites

WeebDNS depends on several Python libraries. Ensure you have the following libraries installed:

  • aiohttp: A library used for asynchronous HTTP requests.
  • asyncio: A library used for writing concurrent code using the async/await syntax.
  • aiodns: A library for asynchronous DNS resolution.


Follow these steps to install and run WeebDNS on an Ubuntu/Debian system:

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Start by installing the necessary dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip -y

Step 2: Clone the Repository

Next, clone the WeebDNS repository from GitHub:

$ git clone

Step 3: Navigate to the WeebDNS Directory

Change to the WeebDNS directory:

$ cd weebdns

Step 4: Install Python Dependencies

Install the required Python libraries specified in the requirements.txt file:

$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 5: Run WeebDNS

Finally, run WeebDNS with the following command:

$ python3

Using WeebDNS

Once WeebDNS is up and running, you can use it to perform fast and efficient DNS enumeration. The tool allows you to gather detailed DNS information about a target domain, helping you uncover valuable insights for your research or testing purposes.


WeebDNS is a powerful and efficient tool for DNS enumeration. Its asynchronous design ensures rapid scanning, making it a valuable asset for security professionals and researchers. By following the installation instructions above, you can get WeebDNS up and running quickly and start gathering DNS information with ease.

Remember to use WeebDNS ethically and responsibly. Always obtain permission before using this tool on any domain you do not own, and use it to enhance your understanding of DNS security and improve your research capabilities.

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